Single Spotlight: Drake’s "Make Me Proud"

drake, iTunes, make me proud, nicki minaj, take care

Toronto representative and Young Money recording artist Drake recently released the newest single from his forthcoming “Take Care” album, which will be in stores Nov. 15.

“Make Me Proud,” which features fellow YM artist Nicki Minaj, is built on a hypnotic T-Minus-produced beat and classic Drake chorus–a catchy mix of sing-song rap bars with his usual crooning.
This track is definitely for the ladies, as evidenced by lines like “I like a woman with a future and a past/a little attitude problem all good, it’ll make the shit last,” but guys can easily rock to it as well.
Nicki’s presence in the form of rapped bars and a singing hook is key to the target demographic but may actually hurt the song’s vibe at moments.
Sure, Minaj fans will love the eccentric braggadocio that Nicki is so known for, but the bars following her hook are played out at best. Sticking with the hashtag-style of rap that Young Money played out long ago, she raps lines like “I’m a star–sheriff badge.”
Even with it’s slight pitfalls, the song, as of Oct. 19, was a #1 single on iTunes and is definitely worth your listening time, money and hard drive space.
Stream the song below courtesy of Drake’s Soundcloud or purchase on iTunes.